Saturday, February 19, 2011

Got an "A"

Well I made it through this class with an A! I did struggle with the final essay, but I did it and got a good grade. Very excited, but sad to see this class end. On to the next term with much determination!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Final Paper

I am so ready to finish my final paper. I am almost done, right now I am checking my APA citations. I don't care for APA citations! I also have an anatomy essay that I need to complete. 2 final exam essays to do.........that is my challenge for this week!

Monday, February 7, 2011

My Thesis Statement

My thesis statement is challenging right now. I just cant seem to get it right, and I don't know why!? I write it, read it and then change it.....UGH! I think maybe I need to get out and play in the snow for a bit and clear my mind. I will get it done today!!!

Monday, January 31, 2011


The main challenge that I have faced is going back to school. I struggled with going back for 2 years before I decided to do it. It was hard getting back into the school mode and taking care of my family. I am married, but basically a single parent. My challenges for this week is school work. Final exams and projects are coming due and I have been trying to prepare and do all the work necessary to pass this term. I am just waiting for this term to end it has been a rough one.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Essay

Munchausen by proxy syndrome is the topic for my essay. I have learned so much on this disorder. I am blown away on the extent of abuse children of these people endure. I just cant image how a mother could hurt her own child for their own selfish gain. I worry about my children all the time and I wish nothing but the best for them and I just cant understand this disorder. I probably never will.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Finally figured it out!

I finally figured out how to follow on my blog! I guess over analyzing just didnt work this time!

Writing process

This week we learned about different writing styles. When I write, I use the freewriting and the outline styles. I never realized that the way I wrote had a style until english comp 1. As of yet I am not having any academic challenges, which is a wonderful thing! I was a little worried when this class first started, but so far so good! I am really enjoying my classes and I am very proud of myself! this is my third term and I am getting good grades and my children are very proud of me and I think that is and will be my greatest accomplishment!